


72问皮埃罗 / 硅谷的秘密



感谢大家订阅皮埃罗•斯加鲁菲(Piero Scaruffi)的钛媒体72问.知识专栏《硅谷的秘密》。我是今天的提问者赵何娟。在以色列,大家都很喜欢革新,但是市面上却没有太多革新性的产品,我很好奇以色列与硅谷在科技方面的区别是什么?


Right Israel is an interesting place, first of all, there are a lot of very intelligent people, they're creative it is kind of constrained. The limit is that it is driven by military. Israel is a country surrounded by enemies, so it's a very interesting thing, because it's almost the opposite of San Francisco Bay Area, they have no enemies, there was no pressure, it was just the sense of freedom, in a sense it was a relaxing place. And then it was this relaxed free place that allowed people to be very creative. 


Israel, from a psychological point of view, is interesting, because it is the opposite to the Bay Area. If you live in Israel you know, any day they could be a rocket, suicide bomber. You are surrounded by enemies, you're surrounded by people who don't like you, and so the pressure has forced them to be very creative to defend themselves. 


It's difficult for us to understand this. The United States borders with Mexico, Canada and two oceans. China is a very big country and it has no wars with the neighbors. So it's difficult for us to relate to Israel, a small country surrounded by enemies, and by the way a small country of people who were exterminated in the 1940s. So for them the pressure to be creative is survival. So psychologically it is very interesting, totally different from Silicon Valley. 


If I had to write a history of Israeli technology, I will start with survival. If we want to survive, we have to make sure we can survive, so what we have to do is we have to be smarter than the others. If you look at the war that Israel fought against the Arabs, the Arabs have more people and the Arab even had more weapons, how did they win? more creative. they have this psychological pressure, they have to be more creative than the enemy right. Totally different motivation. So the good news is that it works, you do become creative. 


Right now you are not very creative, but if you walk in the street and there's a tiger you become very creative, your brain started to “what do I do now”. Exactly because you want to survive, suddenly you become very creative, or you die. So that's the good news. The bad news is that it is really driven by the military, so Israel has been very creative in technologies that come from the military. The most successful technology from Machine Vision comes from Israel, why, because the military used it. And then there is the use of the internet that has been very much driven by defense concerns. We have to enter coordinates very quickly in case of an attack. `And sure that is the limitation they have.


And so the technology that comes out of it tends to be surveillance, Machine Vision, speech recognition and so on. It's much more difficult for any Israeli company to come out with Facebook or Google. These are peaceful technologies. Facebook is about we are friends and we want to organize a party. That's not the psychology of Israeli creativity, the psychology is really creativity, is there are enemies and they want to kill us and we have to be smarter than them. So you don't typically come up with Facebook. The result is also innovation, but because the motivation is different, you have a different kind of innovation. And in Silicon Valley we tend to use that technology, use it but not copy. The spirit is just different.



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    2018.04.30 10:50 via iphone

Oh! no


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