
赵何娟:AI新浪潮来临,唯有更开放,我们才有未来|钛媒体 2023T-EDGE


12月1日上午,T-EDEG 2023上,钛媒体集团创始人&董事长&CEO,T-EDGE全球委员会主席赵何娟女士代表主办方致欢迎词。

12月1日上午,2023 T-EDGE全球创新大会上,钛媒体集团创始人&董事长&CEO,T-EDGE全球委员会主席赵何娟女士代表主办方致欢迎词





AI 2.0时代,科技爱好者期待并畅想了AI赋能垂直行业的一千零一种可能,也积极探讨着如何在波动中增强自身的韧性和柔性。参与其中的企业、创业者和投资者试图打开着、更多边界,这些宝贵的经验,是历经谷底后逆势而为的勇气和思考,鼓励大家找到下一个曙光的路径。


以下是赵何娟在2023 T-EDGE上发表的英文欢迎致辞全文:

Your excellence Mr. Siddharth Chatterjee, your excellence Ms. Signe Brudeset, Mr. Magnus Jorem , General Chen,our distinguished guests and ladies and gentlemen,Good morning!

Welcome to the 2023 T-EDGE Conference!  I am Zhao Hejuan, the founder and CEO of TMTPost Group, and Chairperson  of the T-EDGE Global committee. More important, I am your old friend, long time no see. I am so honored to be here representing the organizer to welcome all of you .

Firstly,I have to say I am so excited to see so many people here on site this morning. In the last three years, the annual T-EDGE Conference was mainly online twice in 2021 and 2022 due to the pandemic. Just three years of the pandemic. When I recall the last face-to-face offline T-EDGE Conference, it feels like a lifetime ago.

In these three years, so many things have changed to our life. There was separation, reunions, tears, fears, laughter, the good or the bad. 

China and the rest of the world also experienced many changes. Some changes were exciting while the others probably made us worried. But no matter what, I hope we will cherish our hope. We also believe that only by adhering to openness can we build a better society with better development.

Today, we get together here,from different countries and industries to discuss how those new trends will shape our future. When I was at a meeting with OpenAI in California last October, I asked the CEO of OpenAI Sam Altman that what do you think ChatGPT will impact on journalism. I was a journalist. He said it is doing a great job in helping journalists. But I think AI may also wipe out many jobs in the newsroom finally.

We believe the new AI wave will change our way of production, lifestyle, and even thinking. This is also a technology revolution. But I also believe that behind the big challenges,there will be more opportunities for us.  As we traverse this path, it is important to remember that the key to the future lies in our ability to collaborate, and share ideas.

If I could only say one word to express what I most want to say at this year's T-EDGE conference, I think it would be openness. In today's society, every one of us needs a more open mindset. Innovation in technology requires openness, economic prosperity requires openness, business development requires openness, and the growth of each one of us also needs openness .

Openness is not only a policy or a behavior, but also a vision and a way of thinking . Being complacent will only lead to the regression of our country and society and will only make us individuals narrow-minded and stingy .

That’s why we have T-EDGE conference. Every tech revolution starts with edge-cutting innovations,and every EDGE-cutting innovation can only become a disruptive force through openness and cooperation .

The T-EDGE Conference has always been about bringing the best minds in business, technology, and policy together to chart a path towards a better tomorrow. We hope that through our continued efforts, we can contribute to a more open and inclusive global innovation landscape.

This year's T-EDGE conference will last three days. Day 1 features the Innovation Trends Forum, Day 2 is the Globalization Forum, . On Day 3, there is the China Listed Company Investment and Fund Summit. And tonight, we will hold the "Tiko Poetry Time“钛空诗会”that goes beyond technology and business, with a cultural and artistic atmosphere.

I believe that through three days of brainstorming and intense discussions with hundreds of outstanding leaders and guests, we will have a clearer understanding of the current trends in technology and economy. Let us seize this opportunity to learn more from each other, share ideas, and explore new possibilities together.

Finally, I would  also like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all honored guests,partners and friends here . Your contributions have been invaluable in making this conference possible.

Thank you all again for being here with us today. I look forward to working with you towards a brighter future.

Thank you!


尊敬的Siddharth Chatterjee联合国代表阁下,尊敬的Signe Brudeset挪威大使女士, Magnus Jorem参赞, 还有陈将军,以及尊敬的各位嘉宾,女士们、先生们,早上好!




今天,我们来自不同国家,不同行业的人士齐聚一堂,讨论新趋势将如何塑造我们的未来。去年10月,当我在加州的一个活动上,我问OpenAI首席执行官山姆·奥特曼(Sam Altman),您认为,ChatGPT会对新闻业产生什么影响?因为我曾经也是记者。他回答说,“我了解的很多情况来看,它在帮助记者这方面做得很好”。但我认为,人工智能最终也可能会消灭新闻编辑室许多的工作岗位。










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